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Monday, 16 July 2012

Is file sharing really the problem?

File sharing is the public or private sharing of files between people using a computer connected to the internet. There is a lot of debate whether file sharing is legal or illegal, I believe that file sharing is ok, however it depens on the content of the file that you are sharing. In most countries file sharing is legal, however if the content is protected by copyrights then to share to other users is illegal. For example downloading or sharing a copyrighted movie, sharing copyrighted songs, or downloading songs that you have purchased is all illegal.

What happens if I get caught?
It depends on the law of the country you live in, however usually you would be fined for each item. That’s every song, movie or software you’ve downloaded or shared.

The Goverenment is looking to help the entertainment industry to prevent file sharing, however it seems to be a problem that can’t be solve. The government wants to introduce new laws under a tougher proposal, internet service providers would be obliged to block access to download sites, slow down broadband connections or even temporarily cut off access for repeat offenders.

Young artist like Lilly allen has lauched a blog on Myspace against file sharing, branding it "music piracy" and claiming it was turning the British music industry into "nothing but puppets paid for by Simon Cowell" as it made it "harder and harder for new acts to emerge".

Lily wrote: "I think music piracy is having a dangerous effect on British music, but some really rich and successful artists like Nick Mason from Pink Floyd and Ed O'Brien from Radiohead don't seem to think so." Lily continued: "These guys from huge bands said file-sharing music is fine. It probably is fine for them. They do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world. When you manage to get a contract, all those pretty videos and posters advertising your album have to be paid for and, as the artist, you have to pay for them. I've only just finished paying off all the money I owe my record company. I'm lucky that I've been successful and managed to pay it back, but not everyone's so lucky."

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